Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Kitchen Tiles for Walls and Floors

Choosing kitchen tiles is a very tricky business, there isn't always a large quantity of tiles to go on the walls, above the worktops and below the kitchen units, but its really crucial to get the tiles right to blend with the units you have, worktops and then the tiles for your floor.
Kitchen tiles can be more often than not split into two main catagories for kitchens, rustic/country cottage style or contemporary. In general the differences are:
Rustic - usually a stone effect or bumpy surface, with uneven edges. Usually designed to either replicate a natural stone type of tile, either in a matt or satin finish to look more natural or coloured and gloss finish, as if the natural stone is underneath.
Contemporary - flat, clean straight edges, an ideal kitchen solution for todays more modern kitchen styles.
On the tileclick website, they cover both catagories, and these also include a stunning range of kitchen tiles from Laura Ashley - Milford. In addition, in the Candy Tile Collection, there are the Tibet range of kitchen tiles, and Ashbourme, a slightly lighter and softer shading range of tiles.
In the contemporary range there are, again a number stunning and suitable kitchen tiles, however, the design range are simply stunning, and compared to other and similar tiles that are available, are very competitively (sounds better than cheap)

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