Most of us who live in a house or flat will have some form of kitchen. We're all use to the traditional kitchen tiles splash backs above worktops and under wall units but is this our only option??
There are some simply stunning tiles available in today's stores, but some of the more eye catching kitchens are using other types of material for these all important splash back areas.
Ok, so not every ones cup of tea, but if you like a contemporary or country cottage look, there are timber worktops that can suite either of these design criteria. One advantage of this choice of worktop as it goes without saying that you can also get the continuation of timber as an up stand for your splash back, no worry about matching or contrasting your colour scheme - you just carry it on up the wall in theory!
Pretty much the same principle applies here as with timber, you choose your worktop and your splash back takes care of its self.
Glass is becoming more and more popular, there are a number of glass mosaic sheets available with differing thicknesses, as well as some glass panels. One crucial thing to remember here is that as you are delaying with large sheets of glass, you need to make sure your wall is pretty much perfect before trying to fix them - trying to force a 1.50m piece of glass splash back may well result in disappointment if it breaks.
So before you just buy a traditional tile for your splash back, consider these variables, make your new kitchen unique to you!!